Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Naughty Spot

I don't think I need to explain this picture. I will say this might be one of my favorite pictures to date and says a lot about our little Lochlan!


debbie said...

i love it but he is never naughty cuz he is so dang cute. i would let him get away with everything.

Jody Weiss said...

That is hilarious and awesome! I love it and may need to steal that idea from you someday. Lochlan is so so adorable!!!

Melody said...

Super cute!

America said...

I love that picture of Lochlan! Cute new blog too! Love it!

Shelly J. said...

I love the naughty spot, one of these days I will be as creative as you:)

Erin said...

Just awesome. :)