Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Lochlan and I took a trip without dad to Ohio. Greg's sister, Alysia, was coming into Ohio and everyone wanted us to come up so Lochlan could spend time with his Utah cousins. Greg, unfortunately couldn't go. July is his busiest time of the year at work AND he had to stay back to close on our house! So, Lochlan and I took the journey on our own. I would like to publicly apologize to the poor lady that had to sit next to us on the way up-Lochlan was not on his best behavior. We had a blast with the family. Lochlan LOVED all his cousins, I think by the end of the week he thought he was 4 1/2 too, like the triplets. We got to do tons of fun things while we were up there, here's a little of what we did!
Lots of fun in Nana and Grandpa's backyard.

We went to the "Butterfly House." Which, was so fun!
We also went on the boat on the Maumee River. Lochlan had his very first tubing experience. I'm not sure what he thought about it, because he fell asleep on the boat!

(Savannah-our niece-let Lochlan borrow her pink life jacket...I don't think Greg would have approved if he'd been there.)

Carol, my amazing mother-in-law, took us to this adorable old farm house called the 577 Foundation. They had community gardens which smelled incredible. It inspired me to try to start a garden at our new house-it will take a lot of work, seeing how I kill most green things...but I am always up for learning something new!

At the end of the very fun week, we headed back home to Greg, who was so happy to have us back!

1 comment:

Shelly J. said...

He looks so grown up in those pictures...a little man!