Thursday, September 25, 2008

Afternoon Treat? Maybe not!

So, I love indulging in a little afternoon treat at work sometimes. I try to bring little chocolate snack packs (pudding) with me, a tasty treat. But sometimes I forget or don't have one. At that point, I make my way to the cafeteria/deli at work and see what I can find. A few months ago, I tried the pudding they had. Chocolate with whipped cream and crushed oreos on top. Sounds good right? Well, as I enjoyed my chocolate snack, I took a bite and found a pasta/noodle. Ewww, something must have happened in the kitchen and a piece of pasta fell into the pudding. The pudding I was eating! Well, needless to say, I stopped buying pudding downstairs and if I didn't bring my own snack, I went without. That was months ago. Today while at lunch with my work friends, Retta and Lawree, Retta decided to buy some pudding for us to all share. The chocolate pudding with whipped cream and oreos from the cafeteria. I was nervous as she handed me a spoon. We all laughed about the noodle and I decided that there was no way that could happen to me AGAIN. So I took a bite. The very first bite I took of that chocolate pudding I found something. No, not a noodle...this time it was a BLACK OLIVE! Yes, that's right! An olive in my pudding. Of all the people and the chances it happened to me. You can imagine the combination of pudding and olives, not very tasty. Lawree, Retta, and I laughed hysterically as I spit the olive out into my napkin. Seriously, what are the chances! Never again will I attempt to consume the chocolate pudding with the whipped cream and oreos. NEVER!


Melody said...

That is CRAZY!

Christi said...

That is awesome. I love it!

nanamoo said...

Oh my goodness, I am laughing my head off!

Cameron's Corner said...

I don't get it. Chocolate pudding is good. Noodles are good. Olives are good...