Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Favorite PJs

Just a quick pic to show everyone what Lochlan looks like now, almost 5 months old!! Wow I am super behind on posting. Our little boy is getting so big. He loves to smile at everyone and laugh. He is long and lean, standing at almost 27 inches! He is always talking, making some new sound, it's pretty entertaining for us. He is constantly on the move, always rolling and never still, trying to figure new things out. His latest task is trying to figure out how to sit up on his own. He is the happiest baby and such a blessing to our family. I will post more to come as soon as I get my tons of pictures downloaded from the past few months. But here is Lochlan in his favorite PJs (well my favorite PJs, baseballs all over them).


Jessica said...

Lochlan is such a cutie! I love his dimples!

nanamoo said...

Ohhhhh...look at that cute cute boy!

Heather said...

That is a way cute picture of him!