Sunday, October 10, 2010
Not a Second Thought
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Choose Your Cupcake Wisely
(Here's the heartbreak of the night...While on my way to the church, the young woman I had picked up was carefully holding my precious cupcakes on her lap when the car in front of me slammed on his/her breaks! All our hard work was now smashed together in a blue mess. There were only 6 cupcakes that were not harmed. I WAS DEVASTATED!! There went my whole thought!! I am so grateful for the women I serve with. They quickly calmed me down when I got to church and all went to work right away to make them presentable again. When I handed them out at the end of the night, they weren't the most perfect looking cupcakes...but I think the YW still got the message!)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Naughty Spot
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Lots of fun in Nana and Grandpa's backyard.
We went to the "Butterfly House." Which, was so fun!
We also went on the boat on the Maumee River. Lochlan had his very first tubing experience. I'm not sure what he thought about it, because he fell asleep on the boat!
(Savannah-our niece-let Lochlan borrow her pink life jacket...I don't think Greg would have approved if he'd been there.)
Carol, my amazing mother-in-law, took us to this adorable old farm house called the 577 Foundation. They had community gardens which smelled incredible. It inspired me to try to start a garden at our new house-it will take a lot of work, seeing how I kill most green things...but I am always up for learning something new!
At the end of the very fun week, we headed back home to Greg, who was so happy to have us back!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Happy 6 Years
We had a great time exploring the historic little town...until it down poured on us!! Gotta love Florida-one minute sunny, the next soaking wet!
I love St Augustine! One of my favorite parts about the old city is that it was built out of coquina-which is a shellstone. You can see it in the wall in this picture. (Excuse me looking horrible-I had just been rained on!)
We had a such a great weekend! It's been a good 6 years, and I cannot wait for more!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Swim Lessons

Monday, June 21, 2010
My Contribution to Sugar Doodle
Happy Dad's Day
So today I thought I would write about what a great guy I have. I love that my husband can make me laugh, sometimes when I don't feel like laughing. I do love and am so grateful for the fact that I have a craft room and still my stuff seems to trickle out and find itself all over the house and he's ok with it! I love that he gets up everyday to go to a job to take care of us, even though he'd probably rather be at the beach. I love that he comes home, changes from his khakis and polo into some play clothes and runs around with our son, wearing him out for the evening. And I especially love that at the very end of the day, when all the madness has settled, he grabs my hand, says a prayer, and tells me he loves me. I love you, Greg. Thanks for being a great dad and wonderful husband!!
It was also a special day because it was Lochlan's first day of nursery...which he didn't really enjoy. We'll have to work on it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Finally, a post!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Check Up and No Tears
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
6 Months-I Can't Believe It!
Our little man is six months today! Crazy, where does all the time go. A few things about Lochlan. His favorite food by far is peaches with oatmeal. He also loves to finish dinner with a little mango for dessert-he's like his mom, loves his dessert! Least favorite food to date, green beans-he started gagging the second he got a spoonful. Lochlan loves playing in his jumper and on his play mat, rolling around and grabbing anything insight. He is very good and grabbing anything and everything-favorite thing to grab is the remote when mom and dad are watching a show and he starts pressing buttons. He also like pounding on the computer while I am holding him, trying to blog. I guess he wants to help. He loves to laugh, his ticklish spot is on his side, same as his dad's. He smiles for everyone, he is a very happy kid, unless he is tired, then he is pretty cranky, but aren't we all. Lochlan is very observant, he pays attention to anything and everything going on around him-he loves watching Sting'em run around the house like a crazy dog after a bath. He thinks Sting'em is pretty funny stuff. Sting'em likes him too, he always trying to snuggle up to Lochlan. When he's tired, he likes to look at books while I read to him, calms him down almost immediately. When he sleeps he likes to bunch up in a ball on his stomach with his knees tucked under, holding tight to his favorite blanket. He loves to talk when he's playing and see how loud he can get. He loves his mom and dad, and always has the biggest and best smiles for us. We are so happy we have this amazing little boy!